Save & Export

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Save & Export

All subtitle tracks including their content and settings are saved in our project files .ezt and .eztxml using Save options in File Menu, Save buttons on the toolbars or keyboard shortcuts.

Next in this topic are discussed the options for exporting the Main and Second tracks together or individual tracks.

Exporting subtitles on two tracks

Projects with two subtitle tracks can currently be exported as Videotron Lambda CAP, DLP XML, DCDM (SMPTE 428-7) XML, TTML1/TTML2, IMSC 1.1, Netflix Timed Text, Disney IMSC1.1, Apple iTunes .itt, DVB, DVD Images and MS Excel (.xls, .xlsx).

Please mind that for all other available export formats only the currently selected subtitle track will be exported in the output file.

Forced Narratives

Often the subtitles in the second track are used as Forced Narratives. They can have different location on the screen and overlapped in time with the main subtitles.

Currently, Forced Narratives can be exported in the following formats: IMSC v.1 Timed Text, Netfilx Timed Text, Applie iTunes Timed Text and as Blu-ray BDN XML and Images. Be sure to select the appropriate options in the export dialog for the selected file format.

Working with "open" and "closed" subtitles in 890 and USF formats

Both the 890 and Universal subtitling format (USF) can simultaneously carry "open" and "closed" type subtitles. Respectively, in EZTitles, the main and second subtitle tracks can be used to make the distinction between the two. The idea is very simple, one of the tracks contain only "open" subtitles and the other only subtitles intended as "closed". The 890 and USF exports will then do the rest.

Please make sure to check what options are available with the 890 and USF exports.
Similar options are available when importing 890 or USF files that contain "open" and "closed" type of subtitles in the same file.

Save/Export individual subtitle track

From the Timeline

If the track is displayed on the timeline please check Export single track.

Manage Subtitle Tracks menu

Open Subtitle Tracks Management dialog box and then use the Export button.

Note: To save individual track subtitles as .ezt or .eztxml you should select the EZTitles subtitle project files (*.ezt) or EZTitles subtitle project files (*.ezt) option in the Export  Subtitles dialog. They are under Standard formats category,