Check Subtitles

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Check Subtitles

Once the subtitles are finished, you may want to verify there aren't any errors left behind. The Checks command will help you to locate all subtitles that doesn't match certain rules.

To open the Checks press the Check Subtitles button on the toolbar or alternatively click on Check Subtitles in the Titles drop-down menu.

The available Checks criteria are divided into separate categories for easier navigation and clean preview of the selected options. Whenever there is at least one option selected for a category, category's name would be marked in bold and the checkbox in front of it will look like a square - . And when all options are clicked for a category, the checkbox in front of its name becomes fully checked - .

The text specifying the type of the error found in the current subtitle is displayed at the bottom of the window. You can find the next problematic subtitle using the Next and Previous buttons or by assigning shortcuts for the Check Next and Check Previous commands.

Pressing the Log button, EZTitles will move all subtitles that match the specified criteria to the Log list for revision.

The Export button will create MS Excell file containing the subtitles with found issues, subtitles without problems will not be exported, and details about the issues. Please mind that when working with projects with two tracks, subtitles from the secondary track will be exported into separate worksheet in the MS Excel document.

Check both subtitle tracks - the option becomes available only if the current project has a secondary subtitle track and the "Check" command will then go through the subtitles from both tracks simultaneously. Otherwise, if the option is disabled, the Check will be performed only for the currently selected track.

You can edit subtitles while using the Checks. The Checks dialog will remain open and will be updated with every change you make so that you can monitor the effects of your actions.

You may find brief explanation for each of these options below.

Cues and Text

Inconsistent cues

Check for in/out cues with timecode errors. For details please check later in this topic.


Checks whether the subtitle duration is below the specified minimum value or above the specified maximum value (Cues Editing and Capture Parameters).

Below Reading Speed
Above Reading Speed

Checks whether the subtitle exceeds the limits of the specified reading speed; Below Reading Speed is the more important parameter – it indicates whether the viewer has enough time to read the subtitle. For more information about reading speed refer to Reading Speed Parameters.

Gap between subtitles

Checks the gaps between subtitles. Gives an error message if the gap between two subtitles is less than the specified number of frames and is not equal to the minimum interval defined in Project Settings/Cues page.

Non-printable characters

Checks for characters not supported by the particular language and font or for such which have not been imported correctly from the input file. Non-printable characters are marked as "□".

Safe Area

Checks whether the subtitles are correctly positioned in the so-called "safe area" – the optimum visible field of the TV screen.

It also checks for subtitles with more than 36 characters per row (the number of characters can be specified with the File/Project Settings). For more information you may refer to the Safe Area topic.

Raised Subtitles

Raised subtitles are considered all subtitles containing text which isn't inserted on the bottom safe area: subtitles aligned to the top or middle of the screen, text moved up by at least one line from the bottom safe area margin or those which are pushed up by by the Fine Move Subtitle Up/Down commands.

The Exclude raised by option can be used when the prevailing number of subtitles are intentionally raised by a number of lines.

Not snapped to
top/bottom Safe Area

This option is intended to find all subtitles which are not aligned to the top or bottom safe area margins. If the text is positioned in the top half of the screen, it will be aligned to the top safe area margin, if in the bottom half - to the bottom one.

More than … lines

Checks for subtitles that exceed the set maximum number of rows (default – 2 rows).

Exactly ... lines

Checks and finds all subtitles that have the indicated number of lines.

Extra Spaces

Checks if there are more than one spaces inserted between the text or for space at the beginning and end of the text line.
When Space before punctuation option is clicked, EZTitles will also check if there are spaces before the punctuation marks.

Extra Rows

Checks for subtitles containing text lines separated by at least one empty line.

Horizontally shifted

Checks for text which is offset from the default left, right or center alignment positions, for example as a result of using the Move Subtitle Left/Right or Move Row Left/Right commands.

Subtitles without text

Checks for subtitles without text.

Inconsistent numbering

Checks subtitle numeration is consistent throughout the project. Inconsistent numbering is considered when a subtitle number is skipped: 1, 2, 4, 5..., or when the letter index is skipped: 1a, 1b, 1d, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3b, 3c.

Wrap subtitle to one line

Checks if the text of a subtitle in two or more lines can actually fit on just a single line. However, the text should not exceed the characters per line limit set in  the Project Settings/Safe Area menu.
Note: Subtitles with dialogue in them will not be marked by the Check. Dialogue is considered whenever one of the text lines in the subtitle starts with hyphen (long hyphen, em-dash) or one of the lines is in different color.

User marks

Checks for user marks in the text. More about setting and using the user marks you can find here.

Shot Changes

Snapped to shot changes

Checks if the subtitle In- and Out-cues are snapped to the shot changes in the specified threshold interval. The snapping rules are described in Shot Change Detection topic.
When Gap interval is greater than the threshold interval, EZTitles will look for subtitles appearing in between the specified threshold and gap. For example, if the threshold is set to 11 frames and gap to 12 frames, the program will check if there are any subtitles In or Out cues 0 to 11 frames from the nearest shot change.

Don't check In-cues after shot changes

By using this option, only the subtitles with In-cues inserted before a shot change within the threshold/gap interval will be checked. It can be used to fulfill specific client requirements that need only the subtitles crossing a shot change to be snapped to it.

Don't check Out-cues before shot changes

By using this option, only the Out-cues inserted after a shot change within the threshold/gap interval will be checked. It can be used to fulfill specific client requirements that need only the subtitles crossing a shot change to be snapped to it.

Note: To fully comply with Netflix requirements about subtitles snapped to a shot change we advice to set the Threshold to 11 frames, Gap to 12 frames.

Subtitle Attributes

One of the most important new features is that you can look for subtitles that have particular attribute or for those which don’t have it.

For example you can start a check for all subtitles which have yellow text or only for those which are not yellow.

The positive or negative state of the command can be customized at the Checks dialog clicking the Is or Is Not option


Finds the subtitles in which all words and characters are formatted in italics.

Partial Italics

Finds only those subtitles that contain a word or phrase in italics. I.e. the italics style is applied only to parts of subtitles' text.


Finds subtitles in which all words and characters are written in UPPERCASE

Partial Uppercase

Finds subtitles containing at least one word in UPPERCASE.


Allows you to find all subtitles written with Font 1 or Font 2.


Looks for Hidden or Not Hidden subtitles.


Find subtitles formatted in particular color. The color can be selected from the corresponding box to the right.

The defined in the Preferences Color Styles will be displayed as long as their foreground color is different than the default colors (yellow, green, blue, red, black, white, cyan or magenta).


When this option is clicked, EZTitles will look for all subtitles aligned in the specified way.

Vertical Position

Checks if the text appears visually in the top or bottom half of the screen.

Box Style

Allows you to look for the subtitles with Box effect applied.


With this turned on you can find the subtitles which have Outline or Shadow effects applied.


Check for subtitles with the specified direction (Vertical or Horizontal).


Searches for text which is underlined.

Double Height

You can locate all subtitles formatted as Double Height. The Double Height check option is available only for Teletext projects and will be displayed when EZTitles works in Teletext mode.

Captions Style

Captions Style can be used to locate subtitles formatted with the Closed Captions specific Pain-on, Pop-on or Roll-Up styles. It is available when EZTitles is working in Closed Captions mode.

The options listed in the More section of the Checks dialog will change along with the mode of operation for EZTitles.

There are specific checks only available when working with Teletext and Closed Captions projects.

All Closed Captions related checks will be explained with the Closed Captions/Checks topic later in this manual.

Options for East Asian Languages

These become available once the East Asian text scripts enhancements option has been turned on from the Edit/Preferences/Editing menu:

Vertical subtitles alignment

Checks for vertical subtitles aligned or not aligned to the top safe area margin. The term "start" refers to the default/initial value of the tts:textAlign attribute specified in TTML2.

Ruby/Bouten position
different from

Checks if Ruby/Bouten characters match the specified position:

Above/Right - for horizontal subtitles Above the text; for vertical subtitles to the Right of the text;

Below/Left - for horizontal subtitles Below the text; for vertical subtitles to the Left of the text;

Outside - Outside is the default position for Ruby/Bouten characters. The term "Outside" refers to the initial value of the tts:rubyPosition attribute from TTML2. Position "Outside" is identical with position "Auto" when typing ruby or bouten from the phonetic guide tool in EZTitles.

Single line left positioned vertical subtitles Outside ruby position is

This option allows you to check if the ruby/bouten characters in one-line vertical subtitle positioned to the left appear Left or Right from the base text. The option can be used only if Ruby/Bouten position different from is set to Outside.

The common practice is ruby/bouten characters to be displayed on the right side of the text in one-line vertical subtitles. But there might be a requirement to display ruby in one-line left positioned vertical subtitles to the left of the base text:

Ruby align

Checks if ruby's alignment matches the specified position.

Ruby/Bouten on middle lines

Checks if there are subtitles with 3 text lines and Ruby/Bouten added on the middle line. The common practice doesn't allow Ruby/Bouten characters on the middle line as well as subtitles with more than 2 text lines.

Digit representation in horizontal
and vertical subtitles

Checks for half-width and full-width digits representation in horizontal and vertical subtitles.

Horizontal subtitles:

Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

Double digit and higher numbers should be written using half-width characters.

Vertical subtitles:

Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

Consecutive digits up to HGroup parameter should be written using half-width characters and positioned in horizontal group.

Consecutive digits above the HGroup parameter should be written using full-width characters and positioned vertically.

Options for Multiple Tracks

Multiple Tracks options become available once Secondary Subtitle Track is added or file with two tracks is loaded:

Subtitles with overlapping text

Checks for subtitles which might be covering the text of subtitle in the other track.

Subtitles with overlapping cues

Checks for subtitles with overlapping In and Out cues from the two tracks.

About Inconsistent Cues

Inconsistent cues are the cues of a subtitle that overlap the next or the previous ones. If two subtitles have incidentally exchanged numbers while importing them or if the out-cue's timecode of the subtitle is set to appear before the in-cue's timecode of the same subtitle, then these cues are considered inconsistent as well.

Creating Check Presets

EZTitles also provides the functionality to create Presets with the most frequently used "Check" options.

To add new preset you can simply press the triangular button and select the Create New Preset option. All currently selected "Check" options will be added for this preset. To modify the currently selected preset you just need to click the "Check" options you want to activate or disable and then select the Save current preset option after clicking the triangular button. From the same menu you can also Delete or Rename the currently activated preset.

You can select another of your "Check" Presets directly from the Presets drop-down menu.

Note: Pressing the button next to Presets will hide the main part of the Checks form leaving only the part describing what the particular problem is:

This will be really helpful when EZTitles is used on devices with small display running at low resolution and high DPI settings.