East Asian Scripts category

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East Asian Scripts category

Options for East Asian Languages

These become available once the East Asian text scripts enhancements option has been turned on from the Edit/Preferences/Editing menu:

Vertical subtitles alignment

Checks for vertical subtitles aligned or not aligned to the top safe area margin. The term "start" refers to the default/initial value of the tts:textAlign attribute specified in TTML2.

Ruby/Bouten position
different from

Checks if Ruby/Bouten characters match the specified position:

Above/Right - for horizontal subtitles Above the text; for vertical subtitles to the Right of the text;

Below/Left - for horizontal subtitles Below the text; for vertical subtitles to the Left of the text;

Outside - Outside is the default position for Ruby/Bouten characters. The term "Outside" refers to the initial value of the tts:rubyPosition attribute from TTML2. Position "Outside" is identical with position "Auto" when typing ruby or bouten from the phonetic guide tool in EZTitles.

Single line left positioned vertical subtitles Outside ruby position is

This option allows you to check if the ruby/bouten characters in one-line vertical subtitle positioned to the left appear Left or Right from the base text. The option can be used only if Ruby/Bouten position different from is set to Outside.

The common practice is ruby/bouten characters to be displayed on the right side of the text in one-line vertical subtitles. But there might be a requirement to display ruby in one-line left positioned vertical subtitles to the left of the base text:

Ruby align

Checks if ruby's alignment matches the specified position.

Ruby/Bouten on middle lines

Checks if there are subtitles with 3 text lines and Ruby/Bouten added on the middle line. The common practice doesn't allow Ruby/Bouten characters on the middle line as well as subtitles with more than 2 text lines.

Digit representation in horizontal
and vertical subtitles

Checks for half-width and full-width digits representation in horizontal and vertical subtitles.

Horizontal subtitles:

Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

Double digit and higher numbers should be written using half-width characters.

Vertical subtitles:

Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

Consecutive digits up to HGroup parameter should be written using half-width characters and positioned in horizontal group.

Consecutive digits above the HGroup parameter should be written using full-width characters and positioned vertically.