Vertical Text

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Vertical Text

The following options provide efficient way for displaying horizontal groups of digits or non-Asian characters among vertical text. Either of the two options will automatically activate when you switch the text's vertical orientation from horizontal to vertical.

Emphasis symbols

Allows the emphasis symbol or bouten to be changed by choosing one from the 6 most commonly used bouten symbols: filled dot, circle, sesame and open dot, circle, sesame. Or, you could type in different symbol by choosing the other option.

The symbols selected by default are the most commonly considered ones for both Horizontal and Vertical oriented text.

Please check the topic dedicated to Ruby Characters for more details how the bouten can be inserted.

Convert between Full- and Half-width digits

After changing subtitle's orientation from Horizontal to Vertical, replaces the "regular" or half-width digits to their full-width counterparts, or vice versa, for visually correct looking display like this:

The conversion from Full- to Half-width digits happen according to paragraph I.16 of Netflix's requirements:

Horizontal Subtitles

1.1. Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

1.2. Double digit and higher numbers should be written using half-width characters.

Vertical Subtitles

2.1. Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

2.2. Double digit numbers should be written using half-width characters and positioned horizontally using “kumi-moji/tatechuyoko”/horizontal groups. Please check the topic below.

2.3. Three digit and higher numbers should be written using full-width characters and positioned vertically.

Group Arabic digits horizontally

By changing the subtitles' orientation from Horizontal to Vertical, EZTitles will automatically add existing digits into horizontal groups.

The number of digits which will be automatically converted into horizontal group can be adjusted by the respective box.

Note: Horizontal text groups in vertical subtitles are supported for export by the Videotron Lambda (.cap), DLP Cinema XML (.xml), DCDM- SMPTE 428-7 XML (.xml),
TTML2 compliant Timed Text (.xml,.dfxp), IMSC 1.1 (.dfxp, .xml), .ezt and .eztxml formats. In addition they can also be exported as Images or as DVB subtitles.

Convert Double Prime Quotation Mark to Low Double Prime Quotation Mark

Automatically converts the Double Prime Quotation Mark inserted at the end of the quotation, i.e. the one that closes the quotation, to "Low Double Prime Quotation Mark" (U+301F) when changing subtitles orientation from horizontal to vertical.
The "Low double prime quotation" is required by the delivery guidelines for subtitles in Japanese of some service providers, namely Netflix and Disney+.