Shot Changes category

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Shot Changes category

Shot Changes

Snapped to shot changes

Checks if the subtitle In- and Out-cues are snapped to the shot changes in the specified threshold interval. The snapping rules are described in Shot Change Detection topic.
When Gap interval is greater than the threshold interval, EZTitles will look for subtitles appearing in between the specified threshold and gap. For example, if the threshold is set to 11 frames and gap to 12 frames, the program will check if there are any subtitles In or Out cues 0 to 11 frames from the nearest shot change.

Don't check In-cues after shot changes

By using this option, only the subtitles with In-cues inserted before a shot change within the threshold/gap interval will be checked. It can be used to fulfill specific client requirements that need only the subtitles crossing a shot change to be snapped to it.

Don't check Out-cues before shot changes

By using this option, only the Out-cues inserted after a shot change within the threshold/gap interval will be checked. It can be used to fulfill specific client requirements that need only the subtitles crossing a shot change to be snapped to it.

Note: To fully comply with Netflix requirements about subtitles snapped to a shot change we advice to set the Threshold to 11 frames, Gap to 12 frames.