East Asian Scripts category

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East Asian Scripts category

East Asian Scripts

All options in the East Asian Scripts group become available once the East Asian text scripts enhancements option has been turned on from the Edit/Preferences/Editing menu:

Set vertical subtitles alignment to Start

Automatically aligns all vertical subtitles to the top safe area margin. The term "start" refers to the default/initial value of the tts:textAlign attribute from TTML2.

Convert between Full- and Half-width digits

Works for digits in vertical or horizontal subtitles and automatically converts between half- and full-width numerals according to Netflix's requirements- paragraph I.16.

Horizontal subtitles

1.1. Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

1.2.Double digit and higher numbers should be written using half-width characters.

Vertical Subtitles

2.1. Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

2.2. Double digit numbers should be written using half-width characters and positioned horizontally using
“kumi-moji/tatechuyoko” or as we call it horizontal groups.

2.3. Three digit and higher numbers should be written using full-width characters and positioned vertically.

Group Arabic digits horizontally in vertical subtitles

Automatically creates horizontal groups of digits in vertical subtitles.

Replace full-width Low line with Ideographic space

Replaces the "Full-width Low line" (U+FF3F) with "Ideographic space" (U+3000). These two characters are typically used for
Chidori--style placement of song lyrics but different service providers might prefer the one or the other.

Replace Smart Quotes with Double Prime Quotation Marks

Replaces the Left (U+201C) and Right (U+201D) Double Quotation Marks typically used in Japanese subtitles with:

Reversed Double Prime (U+301D) and Double Prime (U+301E) quotation marks in horizontal subtitles;
Reversed Double Prime (U+301D) and Low Double Prime (U+301F) quotation marks in vertical subtitles.

Replace horizontal bar with
two-em dash

Replaces the "Horizontal Bar" character (U+2015) with "Two em-dash" character (U+2E3A). Two em-dash is typically used to indicate that an ongoing sentence is split between two subtitles.

Convert Horizontal groups text to normal

Characters from horizontal groups will be converted and displayed as regular text.