East Asian Scripts category
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All options in the East Asian Scripts group become available once the East Asian text scripts enhancements option has been turned on from the Edit/Preferences/Editing menu:
Set vertical subtitles alignment to Start |
Automatically aligns all vertical subtitles to the top safe area margin. The term "start" refers to the default/initial value of the tts:textAlign attribute from TTML2. |
Convert between Full- and Half-width digits |
Works for digits in vertical or horizontal subtitles and automatically converts between half- and full-width numerals according to Netflix's requirements- paragraph I.16. Horizontal subtitles 1.1. Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters. 1.2.Double digit and higher numbers should be written using half-width characters. Vertical Subtitles 2.1. Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters. 2.2. Double digit numbers should be written using half-width characters and positioned horizontally using 2.3. Three digit and higher numbers should be written using full-width characters and positioned vertically. |
Group Arabic digits horizontally in vertical subtitles |
Automatically creates horizontal groups of digits in vertical subtitles. |
Replace full-width Low line with Ideographic space |
Replaces the "Full-width Low line" (U+FF3F) with "Ideographic space" (U+3000). These two characters are typically used for |
Replace Smart Quotes with Double Prime Quotation Marks |
Replaces the Left (U+201C) and Right (U+201D) Double Quotation Marks typically used in Japanese subtitles with: Reversed Double Prime (U+301D) and Double Prime (U+301E) quotation marks in horizontal subtitles; |
Replace horizontal bar with |
Replaces the "Horizontal Bar" character (U+2015) with "Two em-dash" character (U+2E3A). Two em-dash is typically used to indicate that an ongoing sentence is split between two subtitles. |
Convert Horizontal groups text to normal |
Characters from horizontal groups will be converted and displayed as regular text. |