Text category
<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Quality Control > Fix Subtitles > Text category |
Fix raised subtitles |
If the subtitle contains empty line(s) at the bottom this command will delete them and shift the whole text down. The subtitles moved up or down by using the Fine Move Subtitle Up/Down commands are placed at the default vertical position. |
Fit subtitles to one row |
If there are subtitles in two or more lines and the combined length of the inserted text doesn't exceed the chars. per line limit set in Project Settings/Safe Area, they will be wrapped to one line. |
Delete empty rows |
The command can be used to delete empty rows between text lines like in the following example: Subtitle Text Line 1 (empty line) Subtitle Text Line 2 |
Delete extra spaces |
Removes all extra spaces no matter if they occur to be inserted in the beginning, the end or between the words of a subtitle. |
Delete spaces before punctuation |
Deletes any space found before punctuation marks (comma, full stop, exclamation mark, question mark, semicolon) and adds space after the punctuation mark if it wasn't there initially. |
Snap subtitles to top/bottom Safe Area |
Raised subtitles are moved to the corresponding Safe Area margin (top or bottom) depending on text's presentation on screen: if text appears in the bottom half of the screen it will be moved to the bottom line, i.e will become bottom aligned, and if text appears in the top half of the screen, it will be moved to the top line as top aligned. |
Move raised subtitles to Top |
This option can be used only when Snap subtitles to top/bottom safe area is enabled and modifies its behavior and application. It affects all raised subtitles, regardless of their exact position on the screen, and will move them to the top. Horizontal Alignment of the affected subtitles can be also modified from the respective drop-down menu but it will not be modified by default (No Change). |
Snap subtitles to left, right or center safe area |
Horizontally shifted subtitles will be moved to the default positions of the left, right or center margins configured from the Safe Area menu. Each text line will be repositioned individually to the closest margin. |
Only subtitles that go outside of safe area |
The option becomes available only after enabling "Snap subtitles to left, right or center safe area" and will fix only those subtitles that cross the safe area margins. The fix command will try and preserve the original layout of the lines in a subtitle whenever possible and will simply snap them to the closest margin. |
Renumber Subtitles |
Starts quick Renumber of the loaded file. Can be started only for "All Subtitles". More options are available with the global Renumber feature available from the Titles drop-down menu. |