Timeline Menu

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Timeline Menu

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Allows you to change Timeline's layout.

Audio Graph

Allows you to change how the audio waveform is displayed in the Timeline.


Changes Timeline's zoom level. Keep in mind that the zoom levels might be different for every mode.


Options to show/hide different elements of the Timeline: the Audio Graph, the Video thumbnails track and the Subtitling Assistant analysis data indicating the processed by the Assistant parts of the video.



Second Track

Allows new track to be added or imported to the project, existing track to be closed or exported as well as switching the displayed track with another.

Main Track

Allows new track to be added or imported to the project, existing track to be exported as well as changing of the main track..



Keep all subtitle tracks linked

Activates the special Linked Tracks function of EZTitles.

Link options

Enables the option to link main and secondary tracks or all tracks.