Digital Cinema projects
<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Running and Configuring EZTitles > Configuring Project Settings > Project Settings > Fonts > Digital Cinema projects |
Font |
Drop-down menu showing all installed on the computer fonts. |
Bold |
Changes font's weight when checked. |
Size |
Sets font's size in points 'pt'. In the theory surrounding typography in Digital Cinema, screen's height is considered as being 11 inches high and every inch consisting of 72pt. 42pt can be considered as the default size for Digital Cinema projects. |
Spacing |
Spacing is measured in em and 1 em is equivalent to the currently set font size, 0.5 em respectively is equivalent to half of that and so on. |
Horizontal Scale |
Horizontal Scale (defined in percent and ranging from +50 to +150) specifies additional horizontal deformation of the characters. Using horizontal scaling less than 100% will make the letters more condensed, while using anything greater than 100% will expand their width. |
Right to Left |
Intended for use when working on project in Arabic, Hebrew or Farsi. |
Asian Text Font |
Enables the program to display Asian and non Asian text with different font when they are inserted on the same line. Text displayed by the Asian Text Font would have the same size as the regular font. Note: Please mind that the Asian Text Font option will be correctly preserved when the subtitles are saved in the native .EZT format or exported as Images for DVD/Blu-ray. All other file formats does not support this feature. |
Note: All the settings specified in the Fonts menu will be directly taken into account and used when exporting DC compliant subtitle file: DLP Cinema Subtitle XML and DCDM (SMPTE 428-7-207) XML.