Teletext and Closed Captions projects

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Teletext and Closed Captions projects

Fonts configuration for Teletext and Closed Captions projects follow certain similarities and here we'll look at them in details.

Font options in Teletext projects

One of the more distinctive features of Teletext subtitles is that text's preview relies entirely on viewer's device. configuration. Display fonts are typically not saved in a Teletext compliant file or will not be encoded/transmitted during broadcast.

For this reason, all font related options for Teletext subtitles are intended solely for preview purposes in EZTitles.


Drop-down menu showing all installed on the computer monospace fonts. Another distinctive feature of Teletext subtitles is that they use only monospace fonts.


Changes font's weight when checked.

Right to Left

Intended for use when working on project in Arabic or Hebrew.

Font options in Closed Captions projects

Similarly to Teletext subtitles, how Closed Captions render on viewer's screen depends on CC decoding device's configuration. Offline closed captions files, with the exception of MCC CEA-708, do not carry font related information.

For this reason, all font related options for Closed Captions are intended solely for preview purposes in EZTitles.


Shows installed on the computer monospace fonts when working in CEA-608 compatible mode.

CEA-708 captions provide more styling options and allow font family to be selected instead of a particular font. Respectively, viewer's decoding device will notice the font family and will display the text with the available font from that family.

The Default font configuration corresponds to the monospaced with serifs family.

Proportionally spaced fonts take less space on the screen - about 80% the width of a line with rendered by a monospaced font.

The Preview font, available below the drop-down menu, indicates the specific font from the selected family that will be used for preview purposes in EZTitles.

Note: Text rendering isn't related to the maximum number of characters per line limit for Closed Captions. No matter of the selected font type, the limit cannot exceed 42 characters (for 16:9 projects) or 32 characters (for 4:3 projects).


Changes font's weight when checked.