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In translation, glossary is a collection of terms, words or short phrases in the source (original) language, paired with their preferred translation in the selected target language or languages. These translations are tailored to specific subject, text or dialect.

EZTitles supports the use of glossaries when translating your project into a target language using the DeepL engine. To view the list of existing glossaries, navigate to Subtitling Assistant/Glossary:

Existing glossaries are displayed with their respective Source and Target languages and using the right-hand side of the interface, you can perform the following actions:

Note: It's possible to create glossary for multiple target languages.


Adds new glossary, for details see below.


Modify entries in the selected glossary.


Deletes the selected glossary.


Exports the selected or all glossaries as a simple XML file that can be transferred to another computer or shared with others.


There are two options available when importing glossaries from XML file:

Replace glossaries with these from the imported file - Remove all existing glossaries and replace them with those from the XML file.

Merge with the glossaries in the imported file - Import unique glossaries from XML files and add them to the list. If glossaries with identical names already exist in the list and the file, you’ll be prompted to choose which version to keep.


Adding new Glossary

Adding new Glossary takes you to the following dialog window:

Start by assigning a unique name to the glossary and selecting the source (original) and target languages. If needed, click More Languages to add additional target languages. This is equivalent to creating separate glossaries for the source language and each target language. For example, if Bulgarian is the source language and the target languages are German and English, the glossary can be used for translations from Bulgarian to German and Bulgarian to English. To remove a target language completely, select the language and click Remove.

Next, double-click the cell under the source language, type in the term, and press Tab or double-click the corresponding cell under the target language to type in the translation. To remove an entry from the glossary, select the respective row and click Remove.

Note: Glossary entries are automatically adapted to agree with the grammatical rules of the target language, rather than following a "search and replace" method. That means, similar to a standard dictionary, there is no need to enter plural forms or inflected verbal forms.