Fix Subtitles

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Fix Subtitles

Using File/Fix Subtitles menu helps when the current subtitle file needs certain issues to be solved. For example, changing the minimum interval between subtitles. Initially the following dialog will be displayed:

 Fix Subtitles

Fix Subtitles

Available Fix Subtitles options are divided into separate categories for easier navigation and clean preview of the selected options. Whenever there is at least one of selected for a category, category's name would be marked in bold and the checkbox in front of it will look like a square- . And when all options are clicked for a category, the checkbox in front of its name becomes fully checked - .

Include both subtitle tracks - the option becomes available only if the current project has a secondary subtitle track and Fix Subtitles will then go through the subtitles from both tracks simultaneously. Otherwise, if the option is disabled, Fix Subtitles will be executed only for the subtitles in the currently selected track.

Show fix summary - when enabled displays summary of the subtitles that has been affected by the different fix options. Otherwise, when disabled, modified subtitles will directly be send to the Log List for verification.

Creating Presets

EZConvert also provides the functionality to create Presets with the most frequently used "Fix" options.

To add new preset you can simply press the triangular button and select the Create New Preset option. All currently selected  "Fix" options will be added for this preset. To modify the currently selected preset you just need to click the "Fix" options you want to activate or disable and then select the Save current preset option after clicking the triangular button. From the same menu you can also Delete or Rename the currently activated preset.

You can select another of your "Fix" Presets directly from the the Presets drop-down menu.


Fix empty Out-Cues

For subtitles with empty out-cues EZConvert will automatically calculate the corresponding out-cues based on the next In-cue and the Minimum interval between subtitles (or blank between pop-ons for closed captions) set at the Properties/Safe Area dialog.

Delete chained subtitles Out-cues

Deletes the Out-cues for all subtitle which are "chained", i.e. inserted on the min. interval from the previous subtitle.

Fix Intervals

This allows you to change the intervals between subtitles to the Minimum interval value specified at Properties/Safe Area. You can specify a threshold value in order to filter the subtitles. Only the subtitles that are closer than the specified amount of frames are processed. The interval is changed by moving the previous subtitle’s out-cue.

Fix bellow minimum duration

Fix above maximum duration

EZConvert will try to change the duration of subtitles with shorter or longer duration that the one specified in the box. The out-cue will be moved forward if possible.

The Fix bellow/above min/max duration command will work for subtitles which have gap greater that the Minimum Interval specified at Properties/Safe Area.

Fix overlapping cues

Provides three simple ways for dealing with subtitles with overlapping cues (out-cue of the preceding subtitles comes in after the in-cue of the next subtitle):

- Keep In-Cue: keeps the position of next subtitle's in-cue and moves the out-cue of the preceding subtitle to the min. interval from it;

- Keep Out-Cue - keeps position of preceding subtitle's out-cue and moves next subtitle's in-cue to the min. interval from it;

- Middle Position - moves both preceding subtitle's out-cue and next subtitle's in-cue to a new position in between the initial in- and out- cues.

We strongly suggest to always verify the results by sending the modified subtitles to the Log List.


Fix raised subtitles

If the subtitle has empty line(s) at the bottom this command will delete it and shift the whole text to the bottom line.

Delete empty rows

The command can be used to delete empty rows between text lines like in the following example:

Subtitle Text Line 1
(empty line)
Subtitle Text Line 2

Delete extra spaces

Removes all extra spaces no matter if they occur to be inserted in the beginning, the end or between the words of  a subtitle.

Delete spaces before punctuation

Deletes any space found before punctuation marks (comma, full stop, exclamation mark, question mark, semicolon) and adds space after the punctuation mark if it wasn't there initially.

Delete subtitles with empty cues

Deletes any subtitles that don't have In-, Out- or In- and Out cues.

Delete subtitles with no text

Deletes the subtitles that don't have any text.

Snap subtitles to top/bottom safe area

Raised subtitles are moved to the corresponding Safe Area margin (top or bottom) depending on text's presentation on screen: if text appears in the bottom half of the screen it will be moved to the bottom line, i.e will become bottom aligned, and if text appears in the top half of the screen, it will be moved to the top line as top aligned.

Move raised subtitles to top

This option can be used only when Snap subtitles to top/bottom safe area is enabled and modifies its behavior and application. It affects all raised subtitles, regardless of their exact position on the screen, and will move them to the top.

Horizontal Alignment of the affected subtitles can be also modified from the respective drop-down menu but it will not be modified by default (No Change).

Snap subtitles to left, right or center safe area

Horizontally shifted subtitles will be moved to the default positions of the left, right or center margins configured from the Safe Area menu. Each text line will be repositioned individually to the closest margin.

Only subtitles that go outside of safe area

The option becomes available only after enabling "Snap subtitles to left, right or center safe area" and will fix only those subtitles that cross the safe area margins. The fix command will try and preserve the original layout of the lines in a subtitle whenever possible and will simply snap them to the closest margin.

Replace "full-width low line"
with "Ideographic space"

Replaces the "full-width low line" character (U+FF3F), typically inserted for aesthetics and positioning purposes, with "Ideographic space" character (U+3000). The option becomes available only if the file contains any Japanese characters.

East Asian Scripts

The options described below become available only if the input file contains any characters from the East Asian writing scripts:

Set vertical subtitles alignment to Start

Automatically aligns all vertical subtitles to the top safe area margin. The term "start" refers to the default/initial value of the tts:textAlign attribute from TTML2.

Convert Arabic to full-width digits in vertical subtitles

Works for digits in vertical or horizontal subtitles and automatically converts between half- and full-width numerals according to Netflix's requirements- paragraph I.16.

Horizontal subtitles

1.1. Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

1.2.Double digit and higher numbers should be written using half-width characters.

Vertical Subtitles

2.1. Single digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters.

2.2. Double digit numbers should be written using half-width characters and positioned horizontally using
“kumi-moji/tatechuyoko” or as we call it horizontal groups.

2.3. Three digit and higher numbers should be written using full-width characters and positioned vertically.

Group Arabic digits horizontally in vertical subtitles

Automatically creates horizontal groups of digits in vertical subtitles.

Replace full-width Low line with Ideographic space

Replaces the "Full-width Low line" (U+FF3F) with "Ideographic space" (U+3000). These two characters are typically used for
Chidori--style placement of song lyrics but different service providers might prefer the one or the other.

Replace Smart Quotes with Double Prime Quotation Marks

Replaces the Left (U+201C) and Right (U+201D) Double Quotation Marks typically used in Japanese subtitles with:

- Reversed Double Prime (U+301D) and Double Prime (U+301E) quotation marks in horizontal subtitles;
- Reversed Double Prime (U+301D) and Low Double Prime (U+301F) quotation marks in vertical subtitles.

Replace horizontal bar with
two-em dash

Replaces the "Horizontal Bar" character (U+2015) with "Two em-dash" character (U+2E3A). Two em-dash is typically used to indicate that an ongoing sentence is split between two subtitles.

Convert Horizontal groups text to normal

Characters from horizontal groups will be converted and displayed as regular text.

Rubies and Boutens

Fix Ruby positions

Automatically changes the position of the rubies currently present in the file. The new positions will be as follows:

Above/Right - in horizontal subtitles above the normal text, rubies in vertical subtitles to the right of the normal text;

Below/Left - in horizontal subtitles below the normal text, rubies in vertical subtitles to the right of the normal text;

Outside -  changes the position of the inserted Ruby characters according to the most commonly accepted rules explained earlier in the topic dedicated to East Asian languages.

Single line left positioned
vertical subtitles Ruby position

This option automatically changes ruby or bouten positions in one-line vertical subtitle aligned to the left to be displayed Left or Right from the base text. The option can be used only if Ruby/Bouten position different from is set to Outside.

The common practice is ruby/bouten characters to be displayed on the right side of the text in one-line vertical subtitles. But there might be a requirement to display ruby in one-line left positioned vertical subtitles to the left of the base text:

Ruby Align

Changes ruby's alignment to the specified position.

Fix boutens

Automatically change bouten styles with the selected ones. The commonly used boutens are listed in the combo boxes but you can also select "other" and type your own symbols in the edit control next.

Remove Rubies

Roves all ruby characters from the selected range of subtitles.

Remove Boutens

Removes bouten/emphasis characters from the selected range of subtitles.