Closed Captions category

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Closed Captions category

Enough time to process

Checks for captions with build-up time issues, see below.

Text on rows 5-11

Checks if there is any text inserted on these rows. Text on rows 5-11 may typically cause issues during transition.

Roll-up on multiple lines

Finds roll-up style captions containing more than 1 line of text.

In addition, when the program is working in Closed Captions mode options to find captions in specific style, Paint-On, Pop-on or Roll-Up, are available with Check Subtitles/Attributes.


Time to build (Time to process)

This topic only applies to CEA-608 Closed Captions.

Another unique and distinctive characteristic of CEA-608 Closed Captions is the decoding mechanism. Time to build errors are indicated by a red number in the preview list:

The red number indicates how many frames are not enough to buffer/preload for Pop-on captions or fully display Roll-up and Paint-on captions.

Unfortunately, there it isn't possible to automatically resolve all time to build problems.