East Asian Scripts category

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East Asian Scripts category

The options described below become available only if the input file contains any characters from the East Asian writing scripts:

Vertical subtitles alignment

Checks for vertical subtitles aligned or not aligned to the top safe area margin. The term "start" refers to the default/initial value of the tts:textAlign attribute from TTML2.

Ruby/Bouten position
different from

Checks if Ruby/Bouten characters match the specified position:

Above/Right - for horizontal subtitles Above the text; for vertical subtitles to the Right of the text;

Below/Left - for horizontal subtitles Below the text; for vertical subtitles to the Left of the text;

Outside - Outside is the default position for Ruby/Bouten characters. The term "Outside" refers to the initial value of the tts:rubyPosition attribute from TTML2.

Single line left positioned vertical subtitles Outside ruby position is

This option allows you to check if the ruby/bouten characters in one-line vertical subtitle aligned to the left appear Left or Right from the base text. The option can be used only if Ruby/Bouten position different from is set to Outside.

The common practice is ruby/bouten characters to be displayed on the right side of the text in one-line vertical subtitles. But there might be a requirement to display ruby in one-line left positioned vertical subtitles to the left of the base text:

Ruby Align

Checks if ruby's alignment matches the specified position.

Ruby/Bouten on middle lines

Checks if there are subtitles with 3 text lines and Ruby/Bouten added on the middle line. The common practice doesn't allow Ruby/Bouten characters on the middle line as well as subtitles with more than 2 text lines

Digit representation in horizontal
and vertical subtitles

Checks for half-width and full-width digits representation in horizontal and vertical subtitles.

Horizontal subtitles:

oSingle digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters

oDouble digit and higher numbers should be written using half-width characters

Vertical subtitles:

oSingle digit numbers should be written using full-width alphanumeric characters

oConsecutive digits up to HGroup parameter should be written using half-width characters and positioned in Horizontal Group.

oConsecutive digits above the HGroup parameter should be written using full-width characters and positioned vertically.