Custom (4 Colors)

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Custom (4 Colors)

The Custom (4 Colors) image export is ideal for supplying images to a  classic 4-color DVD authoring systems for which the script file must follow a very specific layout.

Image format

BMP 8 bit, BMP 8 bit RLE, BMP 24 bit, TIFF 8 bit, TIFF  8 bit LZW, TIFF 8bit RLE, TIFF 24 bit

File name

The name of the special text script file, which contains the In- and Out-cues, image placement, subtitled material title and other information.

Write full oath

When this option is checked, the image file names in the script file are specified with their full path, e.g. D:\DVD Samples\Sample_0001.BMP.

If this option is not checked, only the file name with extension will be used: Sample_0001.BMP.

Image file prefix

The text value in this field together with the subsequent subtitle numbers forms individual image names. In the above figure the image names will be: Sample_0001.BMP, Sample_0002.BMP and so on.

Text script header

See the Text script Header section below.

Text script format

See the Text Script Format (Individual lines) section below.

Text script footer

See the Text script Footer section below.

Output colors

The output colors section is available only for DVD systems that use 4 colors. As a general rule Color 1 corresponds to the image's Background, Color 2 is the Outline, Color 3 is the anti-aliasing and Color 4 - the Text's color. Some of the DVD authoring systems allow changing the colors while other use fixed colors. That's why for some DVD authoring systems the editing is disabled and the colors are displayed for reference only.

Note: Please mind the colors selected here are not the presentation colors of the subtitles as they will be rendered by the DVD player. These colors are used internally and will be replaced by the actual ones by the DVD authoring software.

Crop subtitle image to actual size

This option specifies that output images will be reduced to the size defined by the area occupied by the subtitle text. Tick off to export full-sized images instead.

Export Zero Subtitle

Switch it on if you want to export the zero subtitle.

Export uncompressed images

By default the script and image files will be exported in a .zip archive which is more convenient for a number of reason. If you need to export and use the images from a local folder, make sure to tick off this option instead.


Selects the output folder for the exported script and image files.

Additional options

Provides a few more options:

Preview Text Script - Displays a preview window with the exported script's body.

Preview images - Opens a preview window and shows how the image will look like.

Save Template - Allows you to save your custom script in a template file for later use.

Load Template - Allows you to open a template of a previously created custom script.

Set default values - Restores the default Output Colors and attributes for the selected DVD systems or automatically loads the default custom text script template.

Define Text script layout

The custom text script can be created by using large number of attributes. Their placement in the script's body could also be important and the script's layout is organized in the following way:

File header
Individual lines for every subtitle (identified and separated by Text script Format)
File footer

File header and File footer

File header and file footer contains text that is placed at the beginning and at the end of the file. You can use new lines at the beginning or at the end of the text to separate it from the subtitles. The text is copied exactly to the output, except the parameters which are replaced by their values. The parameters must be enclosed in “<” and “>” tags.

The following header/footer parameters are available:

<first_in_cue>, <last_out_cue>

Indicate first subtitles' in- and last subtitles' out-cue. The cues are expressed as SMPTE timecode HH:MM:SS:FF by default , but the timing expression can be changed.

"hh:mm:ss:ff", "hh:mm:ss.ff", "hh:mm:ss.nn", "hh:mm:ss.nnn", "ms", "frames", etc., where:

hh - hours, mm - minutes, ss - seconds, ff - frames, nnn - miliseconds, nn - 10 miliseconds (1/100 seconds),
ms - the whole time is in miliseconds, frames - the whole time is in frames,
feet - used to specify 35mm feet/frames timecode. Must be followed by a separator ("+", "." ...) and frames. 1 feet = 16 frames.  


The video format: PAL, NTSC, etc.


The timecode format used: 25fps, 30fps DROP_FRAME, 30fps NON_DROP, 24fps


The date and time when the file was exported.


Saves program's start timecode as read from .ezt or .eztxml files or chooses the closest hour depending on first subtitle's in-cue when converting from other sources or program's start TC isn't available.


String in the following form: "EZConvert 7.0.1 Ultimate".


The folder where the scrip is exported.


The corresponding parameters read as part of the Translation Metadata.

Text Script Format (Individual lines)

In Text Script Format field you can specify the layout of the lines in the text script. The parameters must be enclosed in “<” and “>” tags and to be replaced by their values in the output. All other text is copied exactly as is.

Following is the list of the valid parameters:


Subtitles’ in- and out-cues. The cues are expressed as SMPTE timecode HH:MM:SS:FF by default , but the timing expression can be changed.

"hh:mm:ss:ff", "hh:mm:ss.ff", "hh:mm:ss.nn", "hh:mm:ss.nnn", "ms", "frames", etc., where:

hh - hours, mm - minutes, ss - seconds, ff - frames, nnn - miliseconds, nn - 10 miliseconds (1/100 seconds),
ms - the whole time is in miliseconds, frames - the whole time is in frames,
feet - used to specify 35mm feet/frames timecode. Must be followed by a separator ("+", "." ...) and frames. 1 feet = 16 frames.  


Subtitles' duration expressed as SS:FF by default. Timing expression can be changed following the above timing patterns.


Sequential number, starting from 1. You can also specify number of digits and width. If the number is shorter than the width it is right aligned by spaces. If the number contains less than specified number of digits, leading zeros are inserted. Thus if you enter <num:4> the result will look like: “0024”, <num:4:6> will produce: “  0024”.


Subtitle number as it is in EZConvert, and not the sequential number of the image. Can contain numbers and a letter. For example, if a subtitle is split in EZTitles, the new subtitle is created with the same number, concatenated with the letter “a”.


The name of the image file. The file names are created from the image file prefix and the sequential number of the subtitle.


These are used to specify image's placement on the screen and represent the exact offset in pixels "px" from the respective edge.


New line: CR/LF


Tab character is inserted.

Example: the following pattern:

<file_name> <in_cue> <out_cue>

will generate the following lines in the text script:

Sample_0000.BMP 10:00:28:00 10:00:30:00
Sample_0001.BMP 10:00:32:00 10:00:34:00
Sample_0002.BMP 10:00:36:00 10:00:38:00