Timed Text Formats

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Timed Text Formats

The Timed Text category enlists all subtitling formats derivative from the general "Timed Text (TT) Authoring Format 1.0 (DFXP)" specifications. Timed Text based export options are available for the EZTitles Standard and Ultimate editions:

 TTML ver.1. & TTML ver.2 Timed Text

 IMSC ver. 1 & IMSC ver. 1.1

 EBU Timed Text (EBU-TT & EBU-TT-D, EBU-TT & EBU-TT-D for BBC)

 SMPTE-TT Subtitles

 Netflix Timed Text

 Apple iTunes Timed Text (.itt)

 Disney IMSC 1.1

 OOYALA Timed Text

 Paramount Pictures TTML

 NBCUniversal IMSC 1.1 (.ttml)

 Imsc-Rosetta Timed Text (.imscr)