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The program can send notification e-mails when an error occurs (Email on error) or a file is processed successfully (Email on job done). Please mind, that if you want to use the notifications the SMTP server settings have to be configured at the Watch Folder Settings page.

The notifications can be activated and configured at the Notification pages:

Warnings only - this option is available only for the E-mail on job done event and will send e-mail notification only when there were warnings during conversion. Notifications will not be send when the conversion goes without any issues.

The regular To, Subject and Message fields doesn't require any special explanation, although it is important to mention that if you are using notifications the To and Subject fields have to be filled in.

There are several attributes that provide additional information about the particular event which can be used in the Subject or Message fields:


Displays the name of the Watch which has generated the event.


Displays the particular error message which has been generated during the conversion and can be used with the Email on error notification only.


Displays the results of the Quality Control job in-line in notification's message.


Displays the input (source) file name without extension.


Displays the full path to the folder containing the input files. The path is without trailing "\".


Displays the output (destination) file name without the extension.


Displays the full path to the folder containing the output file. The path is without trailing "\".

Although HTML formatting tags to bold, italicize or color text can be used, it is up to the particular mail application at the recipient's side to parse them correctly.