Add/Import tracks

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Add/Import tracks

Adding new track to a project can be done in few ways: manually when using EZConvert's GUI or in a more automated manner via Watch Folder or Command Line.

Adding tracks from EZConvert's GUI

Adding new tracks to a project is as easy as it gets from the GUI. Simply, import a file in EZConvert and then open Manage Subtitle Tracks. From there, you can use the Import button to add more tracks.

Embedding files as tracks of a project using Watch Folder

Combining tracks to a project works in a different way from the Watch Folder - it takes individual files and embeds them into a single .ezt or .eztxml project. To set it up consider the following:

All individual files, representing respectively the tracks, must be in the same format.

All individual files must be compressed into a .ZIP file. EZConvert's Watch Folder will decompress, process and at the end embed them into .ezt/.eztxml.

The Source Format of the Watch Folder must match the subtitling format of the individual files.

The Process archive (.zip) files must be activated for the particular Watch Folder. Respectively, the compressed .ZIP is submitted for conversion for that Watch Folder.

Metadata for resultant .ezt/.eztxml project may be included from a third-party .details file. If one is used it must also be included to the input .zip archive.
For details referring to the contents of the .details, please check sample_details.details in EZConvert's installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\EZTitlesDevelopmentStudio\EZConvert7 by default.

Embedding files as tracks of a project using Command Line

Combining files as tracks of a project from the Command Line follows the principles outlined for doing that with a Watch Folder.

All individual files, representing respectively the tracks, must be in the same format.

All individual files must be compressed into a .ZIP file. EZConvert CLI will decompress, process and at the end embed them into .ezt/.eztxml.

The Input Format specified by the -i paramater must match the subtitling format of the individuate files from the .zip archive.

Processing of .zip files must be activated in the config.cfg


Process Archives=1

Metadata for resultant .ezt/.eztxml project may be included from a third-party .details file. If one is used it must also be included to the input .zip archive.
For details referring to the contents of the .details, please check sample_details.details in EZConvert's installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\EZTitlesDevelopmentStudio\EZConvert7 by default.