Add/Import tracks
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Adding new track to a project can be done in few ways: manually when using EZConvert's GUI or in a more automated manner via Watch Folder or Command Line.
Adding tracks from EZConvert's GUI
Adding new tracks to a project is as easy as it gets from the GUI. Simply, import a file in EZConvert and then open Manage Subtitle Tracks. From there, you can use the Import button to add more tracks.
Embedding files as tracks of a project using Watch Folder
Combining tracks to a project works in a different way from the Watch Folder - it takes individual files and embeds them into a single .ezt or .eztxml project. To set it up consider the following:
▪All individual files, representing respectively the tracks, must be in the same format.
▪All individual files must be compressed into a .ZIP file. EZConvert's Watch Folder will decompress, process and at the end embed them into .ezt/.eztxml.
▪The Source Format of the Watch Folder must match the subtitling format of the individual files.
▪The Process archive (.zip) files must be activated for the particular Watch Folder. Respectively, the compressed .ZIP is submitted for conversion for that Watch Folder.
▪Metadata for resultant .ezt/.eztxml project may be included from a third-party .details file. If one is used it must also be included to the input .zip archive.
For details referring to the contents of the .details, please check sample_details.details in EZConvert's installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\EZTitlesDevelopmentStudio\EZConvert7 by default.
Embedding files as tracks of a project using Command Line
Combining files as tracks of a project from the Command Line follows the principles outlined for doing that with a Watch Folder.
▪All individual files, representing respectively the tracks, must be in the same format.
▪All individual files must be compressed into a .ZIP file. EZConvert CLI will decompress, process and at the end embed them into .ezt/.eztxml.
▪The Input Format specified by the -i paramater must match the subtitling format of the individuate files from the .zip archive.
▪Processing of .zip files must be activated in the config.cfg:
Process Archives=1
▪Metadata for resultant .ezt/.eztxml project may be included from a third-party .details file. If one is used it must also be included to the input .zip archive.
For details referring to the contents of the .details, please check sample_details.details in EZConvert's installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\EZTitlesDevelopmentStudio\EZConvert7 by default.