Open/DVD Projects

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Open/DVD Projects

Open/DVD projects are dedicated to creating open subtitles for TV, VOD and streaming platforms or subtitles for DVD/Blu-ray.

Native Mode

Native Mode is for creating DVD and Blu-ray subtitles.

When you choose Native mode you must select the Authoring System for which the subtitles will be exported (see Image Export Formats) and the desired resolution, aspect ratio, frame rate and Timecode format.

 Project Properties – DVD Authoring System (Native mode only)

Project Properties – DVD Authoring System (Native mode only)


None/HD/NLE is the generic, all-purpose preset that we suggest using when the output isn't intended for use by a specific DVD or Blu-ray authoring system.

The Charset option is available on for None/HD/NLE projects and allows you to verify if your subtitles contain characters that are not allowed by certain provider, platform or delivery format. Characters that are not supported will be displayed as "□" but could also be found by Check Subtitles when using the unprintable characters option.

Currently, EZConvert works with the charsets approved by ARTE, Netflix, Disney or the EBU STL format.

When selecting different Authoring System, the whole character/text presentation will replicate the requirements or limitations of that system. For example, selecting a Blu-ray authoring system will provide colorful and fully anti-aliased preview of the text, while selecting one of the classic 4-colors DVD systems will limit the presentation.

PAC and 890 Modes

PAC and 890 modes are compatibility modes created with the specific PAC or 890 delivery and presentation requirements in mind.  We strongly recommend to work in PAC/890 mode when you need to deliver your subtitles in the PAC or 890 formats.

The very first and important step of setting the project options is to choose language/encoding for each of the two presentation fonts available:

Depending on your choice the characters that are not include in the selected language or encoding will be marked as non-printable and will be displayed with a small rectangle symbol "□" in the text.

When Arabic, Farsi or Hebrew is selected the corresponding font and lines will align right-to-left automatically.