Cues & Text category
<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Quality Control > Check Subtitles > Cues & Text category |
Inconsistent cues |
Check for in/out cues with timecode errors. For details please check later in this topic. |
Duration |
Checks whether the subtitle duration is below the specified minimum value or above the specified maximum value (Cues Editing and Capture Parameters). |
Below Reading Speed |
Checks whether the subtitle exceeds the limits of the specified reading speed; Below Reading Speed is the more important parameter – it indicates whether the viewer has enough time to read the subtitle. For more information about reading speed refer to Reading Speed Parameters. |
Gap between subtitles |
Checks the gaps between subtitles. Gives an error message if the gap between two subtitles is less than the specified number of frames and is not equal to the minimum interval defined in Project Settings/Cues page. |
Inconsistent cues |
Check for in/out cues with timecode errors. For details please check later in this topic. |
Duration |
Checks whether the subtitle duration is below the minimum/maximum values specified at the Project Settings/Cues menu. |
Below Reading Speed |
Checks for subtitles exceeding the limits of the specified reading speed. Below Reading Speed is the more important parameter – it indicates whether the viewer has enough time to read the subtitle. For more information about reading speed refer to Reading Speed Parameters. |
Gap between subtitles |
Checks the gaps between subtitles. Gives an error message if the gap between two subtitles is less than the specified number of frames and is not equal to the minimum interval defined in Project Settings/Cues page. |
Subtitles before Timecode |
Verifies if there are any subtitles beginning before the specified timecode. |
Non-printable characters |
Checks for characters not supported by the particular language and font or for such which have not been imported correctly from the input file. Non-printable characters are marked as "□". |
Safe Area |
Checks whether the subtitles are correctly positioned in the so-called "safe area" – the optimum visible field of the TV screen. It also checks for subtitles with more than 36 characters per row (the number of characters can be specified with the File/Project Settings). For more information you may refer to the Safe Area topic. |
Subtitles without text |
Checks for subtitles without text. |
Extra Spaces |
Checks if there are more than one spaces inserted between the text or for space at the beginning and end of the text line. When Space before punctuation option is clicked, EZConvert will also check if there are spaces before the punctuation marks. |
Extra Rows |
Checks for subtitles containing text lines separated by at least one empty line. |
Raised Subtitles |
Checks for subtitles that are placed above or below the Safe Area margins. These are the subtitles that have an empty last line (for bottom vertical alignment) or first line (for top vertical alignment). |
More than … lines |
Checks for subtitles that exceed the set maximum number of rows (default – 2 rows). |
Exactly ... lines |
Checks and finds all subtitles that have the indicated number of lines. |
Horizontally shifted |
Checks for text which is offset from the default left, right or center alignment positions, for example as a result of using the Move Subtitle Left/Right or Move Row Left/Right commands. |
Inconsistent numbering |
Checks subtitle numeration is consistent throughout the project. Inconsistent numbering is considered when a subtitle number is skipped: 1, 2, 4, 5..., or when the letter index is skipped: 1a, 1b, 1d, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3b, 3c. |
Subtitles with comments |
Checks for comments attached to the subtitles. |
Wrap subtitle to one line |
Checks if the text of a subtitle in two or more lines can actually fit on just a single line. However, the text should not exceed the characters per line limit set in the Project Settings/Safe Area menu. |
Not snapped to |
This option is intended to find all subtitles which are not aligned to the top or bottom safe area margins. If the text is positioned in the top half of the screen, it will be aligned to the top safe area margin, if in the bottom half - to the bottom one. |