SubStation Alpha SSA/ASS Files
<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Import Subtitles > Extended Formats > SubStation Alpha SSA/ASS Files |
Sub Station Alpha format provides support for extensive number of features including details about the Safe Area margins and font information. Upon importing SSA or ASS file EZTitles offers the possibility to load the original settings saved in the input fie:
Overwrite Safe Area Margins |
EZConvert detects and displays what the original margins in the input SSA/ASS file are. By clicking on the respective checkbox they will overwrite the current Safe Area values in the Project Settings. |
Overwrite Fonts |
EZConvert detects which are the fonts used input SSA/ASS file and by clicking on the respective checkbox will overwrite the fonts in Project Settings. |
Always show on import |
Activating this option will display the Import configuration dialog each time an ASS/SSA file will be loaded. If Always show on import has been deactivated, then last selected options will automatically be applied when importing ASS/SSA files.To change the selected options simply go to File/Advanced Import, select the SubstationAlpha option from the list and press the Config button to the bottom left. |
RTL Reorder |
RTL Reorder option is intended for use with Right-to-Left languages. It solves the problem with incorrectly displayed punctuation marks, Latin text, etc. |