Plain ASCII/Unicode Text Files

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Plain ASCII/Unicode Text Files

Here you can specify which elements to include in the exported file. The EZConvert ASCII file structure is described in Appendix A. ASCII File Format used by EZConvert.


 ASCII Export Configuration

ASCII Export Configuration

First you need to select the encoding. Be sure to select the right encoding because otherwise some characters could be lost in the exported file. List of commonly used codepages is available at the end of this topic.


Export File Header

The file header adds some general information about the project like the information entered as File Details when the source file is .ezt/.eztxml, video's frame rate, timecode format and the max. number of characters per row as defined at the Project Settings/Safe Area menu.

Export Subtitle Header

Here you can select which elements to include in the subtitle header. The subtitle header is exported in the following format:

<subtitle number> <in-cue> <out-cue> <justification> <reading speed>

The reading speed information is the optimal number of characters calculated from the subtitle's duration and the reading speed parameters.

Include Italics

The italic text is surrounded by "<" and ">" in the exported file. Here you can select if you want to format it this way or export it as normal text.

Include Font and Alignment

The individual row alignment and the font number can be included at the beginning of each text line in the following form: [C1] that means centered row, font 1.

List of commonly used code pages:


ANSI Eastern European: Central European and Eastern European languages that use Latin script, such as Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian (Latin script), Romanian, Albanian, etc.


ANSI Cyrillic


ANSI US - Western European languages (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, etc.)


ANSI Greek


ANSI Turkish


ANSI Baltic, used for Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages.




Chinese (RPC, Singapore)




Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong)


Unicode UTF-16. Not bound to any language. Combines characters in any of the world's writing systems.


Unicode UTF-8. Not bound to any language. Combines characters in any of the world's writing systems.