Cues category

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Cues category


Fix empty Out-Cues

If there are subtitles with empty out-cues EZTitles will automatically calculate the corresponding out-cues based on the next In-cue and the minimum interval between subtitles (or blank between pop-ons for closed captions) you have set with the Project Settings/Cues.

Delete Chained subtitles Out-Cues

Deletes the Out-cues for all subtitle which are "chained", i.e. inserted on the min. interval from the previous subtitle.

Fix below/above reading speed

If a subtitle has its duration set below or above the reading speed limits, EZTitles will automatically adjust the out cue to match the current reading speed rules if possible. please check Project Settings/Reading Speed.

Fix below minimum/
Fix above maximum duration

If a subtitle has its duration set below or above the minimum/maximum duration, EZTitles will automatically adjust its out cue to match the duration rules if possible. please check the Project Settings/Cues topic for more details.

Fix Intervals

This command allows you to change the intervals between subtitles to the Minimum interval value specified in Project Settings/Cues. You can specify a threshold value in order to filter the subtitles. Only the subtitles that are closer than the specified amount of frames are processed. The interval is changed by moving the previous subtitle’s out-cue.

Fix overlapping cues

Provides three simple ways for dealing with subtitles with overlapping cues (out-cue of the preceding subtitles comes in after the in-cue of the next subtitle):

Keep In-Cue: keeps the position of next subtitle's in-cue and moves the out-cue of the preceding subtitle to the min. interval from it;

Keep Out-Cue - keeps position of preceding subtitle's out-cue and moves next subtitle's in-cue to the min. interval from it;

Middle Position - moves both preceding subtitle's out-cue and next subtitle's in-cue to a new position in between the initial in- and out- cues.

We strongly suggest to always verify the results by sending the modified subtitles to the Log List.