MicroDVD (.sub) Files

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MicroDVD (.sub) Files

When exporting to this format, you will be provided with the following export dialog which is displayed after you press the Export button:

 MicroDVD SUB Export Config

MicroDVD SUB Export Config

All the decisions you have to make are explained below:


You need first to select the encoding of your file. It can be either UTF-8, ANSI or any of the available in the list.

RTL Reorder

Currently, most of the filters, used by digital video player programs, have an issue with the display of Right-to-Left languages - the punctuation marks at the end of the lines are incorrectly displayed at the beginning of the text line. The RTL Reorder option can be used to solve this problem and have visually acceptable subtitles in right-to-left language.

Insert RTL / LTR marks

Insert RTL / LTR marks will work only when the RTL Reorder is selected and the selected Code Page is Unicode (UTF-8 or UTF-16). The program will then insert the so called RTL or LTR control codes, available only in Unicode, to properly indicate display direction for the text that follows.

Export Zero Subtitle

Click it if you want to include the zero subtitle in the exported file.

Export Colors

When this option is switched on the underline formatting will be saved in the output file.

Export in Bold

Exports all subtitles text as bold.

Export Italics

When this option is switched on, all the italics formatting will be saved in the exported file.



Allows you to Recut/Offset the subtitles during the export. This may be required for subtitle projects that do not start from 00:00:00:00, they are offset by an hour or more. Most video players assume the video always plays from 00:00:00:00 which creates synch issues with subtitles that are offset.

From the drop-down menu you can choose between the following options:

None - doesn't recut or offset the subtitles and they will be exported with their original timing.

Manual - allows you manually specify the offset for the recut.

Auto - automatically offsets the timing using the first subtitle's In-cue. All timecodes are offset backward with the first subtitle's In-cue rounded down to the closes hour. For example if the first subtitle originally starts at 10:00:32:21 after applying the recut it's start time will become 00:00:32:21.

Programme Start TC - automatically subtracts the value of the Programme Start TimeCode parameter saved in the Details. Programme Start TC can be selected from Video/Setup Timecode with a video opened in.

Video Start TC - automatically gets video's start time as specified in Video/Setup Timecode. This option can be used only when a video is loaded in.