Sonic Scenarist Advanced Content

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Sonic Scenarist Advanced Content

Sonic Scenarist Advanced Content was a tool for HD-DVD authoring which used to be a Blu-ray alternative at the time. The HD-DVD quickly fell behind Blu-ray production but is still used from time to time. The Sonic Scenarist Advanced Content export creates high-quality, fully anti-aliased images with alpha.

Image format

PNG 8 bit, PNG 32 bit

File name

The name of the special text script file, which contains the In- and Out-cues, image placement, subtitled material title and other information.

Image file prefix

The text value in this field together with the subsequent subtitle numbers forms individual image names.

In the above figure the image names will be: Sample_0001.PNG, Sample_0002.PNG and so on.

Write full path

When this option is checked, the image file names in the script file are specified with their full path, e.g. D:\DVD Samples\Sample_0001.PNG.

If this option is not checked, only the file name with extension will be used: Sample_0001.PNG.

Crop subtitle image to actual size

Images exported in this format must be full-size and the "crop" option is grayed-out.

Export Zero Subtitle

Switch it on if you want to export the zero subtitle.

Export uncompressed images

By default the script and image files will be exported in a .zip archive which is more convenient for a number of reason. If you need to export and use the images from a local folder, make sure to tick off this option instead.


Selects the output folder for the exported script and image files.

Additional options

Provides a few more options:

Preview Text Script - Displays a preview window with the exported script's body.

Preview Images - Opens a preview window and shows how the image will look like.