Graphics STL

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Graphics STL

The Graphics STL export option provides alternative delivery format (4-colors indexed images + STL script) for one of the classic DVD authoring tools: Spruce DVD Maestro. One the main differences is that the image format isn't limited to 8 bit TIFF only.

Image format

BMP 8 bit, BMP 8 bit RLE, TIFF 8 bit, TIFF  8 bit LZW

File name

The name of the special text script file, which contains the In- and Out-cues, image placement, subtitled material title and other information.

Image file prefix

The text value in this field together with the subsequent subtitle numbers forms individual image names.

In the above figure the image names will be: Sample_0001.BMP, Sample_0002.BMP and so on.

Color palette

Classic 4-colors DVD authoring tools, such as Spruce DVD Maestro, have palette consisting of 16 colors. The default configuration for all 16 colors is represented on the image above or can be restored by pressing the Default button.

Often times, the default palette will not be used and it becomes essential to modify the export color palette accordingly. This will allow EZConvert to correctly map any color in the subtitles to a color from the palette.

More information about presentation of 4 Color images or the color mapping methods is available with the About DVD Subtitles Rendering and Colors topic.

Output colors

The output colors section is available only for DVD systems that use 4 colors. As a general rule Color 1 corresponds to the image's Background, Color 2 is the Outline, Color 3 is the anti-aliasing and Color 4 - the Text's color. Some of the DVD authoring systems allow changing the colors while other use fixed colors. That's why for some DVD authoring systems the editing is disabled and the colors are displayed for reference only.

Note: Please mind the colors selected here are not the presentation colors of the subtitles as they will be rendered by the DVD player. These colors are used internally and will be replaced by the actual ones by the DVD authoring software.

Crop subtitle image to actual size

Images exported in this format must be full-size and the "crop" option is grayed-out.

Export Zero Subtitle

Switch it on if you want to export the zero subtitle.

Export uncompressed images

By default the script and image files will be exported in a .zip archive which is more convenient for a number of reason. If you need to export and use the images from a local folder, make sure to tick off this option instead.


Selects the output folder for the exported script and image files.

Additional options

Provides a few more options:

Preview Text Script - Displays a preview window with the exported script's body.

Preview images - Opens a preview window and shows how the image will look like.